Observing International Sex Workers’ Rights Day

Published by Amelia on

Observing International Sex Workers' Rights Day

Valentine is long gone, but we approach another Day worth mentioning. International Sex Workers’ Rights Day is observed annually on March 3. While these two days have no direct connection, they both are devoted to relationships and sexuality.

International Sex Workers Rights Day raises awareness about the human rights violations faced by escorts and advocates for their rights. As an independent escort girl, I am grateful that I have never experienced any discrimination or human rights violations in my career. My blog post about time-wasters describes the most significant issues I’ve encountered.

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One of the purposes of this day is also to demand the recognition of escort as a legitimate form of work. Now the “sex worker” term comes to my mind, which is quite popular and widely used today. Before commonly used was the “prostitute” term. It sounds rude to me, even insulting. Maybe not only for me, and it is a reason why there has been a request to move language around escort towards more neutral terms; and as a result, the “sex worker” term came into use. 

However, I prefer to use the “escort” term since I do not consider escorting as work, even though it still brings me most of my income. You might not believe it, but escorting is not just about sex. Some men do not ask for intimacy during a date, but they look for companionship and emotional support, that is, it is just chatting, eating at a restaurant, or walking around the city. Even if this group of men is not numerous, it is essential to help them feel less isolated and alone.

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In addition, escorts play a vital role in fulfilling the sexual needs of their clients, especially for those who have difficulty forming or maintaining traditional romantic relationships or are looking for experiences they may not be able to find in their personal lives. Some time ago, I blogged my comprehensive research about why men need escort girls

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Besides that, escorts contribute to the economy by generating income for themselves and supporting local businesses.

Thus, even if escorts are a marginalized and stigmatized group in some countries, often facing discrimination, harassment, and violence, fortunately, this is not the case in Latvia. Independent escorting is legal and regulated in Latvia. Therefore this day is not very well-known in Latvia, and most Latvian escort girls do not mark it.

Categories: Special Days

1 Comment

Carey Hamad · July 27, 2023 at 11:38 pm

I am grateful for the time you put into providing all the essential information.

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