A Call to Action for International Women’s Day

Published by Amelia on

Riga Old Town

A Call to Action for International Women's Day

I recently wrote a blog post about escort rights in Latvia, which turned out pretty well. As another important day approaches, International Women’s Day on March 8th, discussing women’s rights is timely. This day also serves as a reminder of how important it is to treat women equally and respectfully.

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As an independent escort girl, I have got some thoughts on gender equality. For example, it is a pity that women sometimes still face discrimination and a pay gap. Even when women do the same work as men, they may still be paid less and treated with less respect. Working in a male-dominated industry, I have had to deal with this myself, and it is tough to get some guys to take me seriously!

To be honest, I should say that in some occupations like modeling, escorting, and porno, women often make more money than men. Last summer, I had an experience exchange meeting with a male escort from the United States, and he confirmed that also in the United States, escort men earn less. But overall, men make more than women in most jobs.

Another significant issue is that women still do most household chores and childcare. It is emotionally exhausting and makes it hard to have a good balance in their personal lives. This is because of all those old-fashioned stereotypes about men working outside the home and women handling all the domestic stuff. But nowadays, most Latvian women have full-time jobs too! However, many men still expect women to do everything at home without any support from their side! It is not fair, and because of that, many women experience emotional fatigue due to their family responsibilities and obligations. 

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When overwhelmed with household chores, women may not have enough energy to maintain fulfilling romantic relationships with their partners. In the worst situation, a man can even become an object of sexual manipulation by his wife. Trust me, I believe it is incredibly harmful and damaging to relationships when a woman withholds sex or uses it as a bargaining chip to get what she needs. Sex matters a lot to a man. And a woman has no excuse for withholding sex, even if she does not get enough help and support from a man. I do not have much personal experience in relationships since I am single, as I have blogged before, but I have learned much from my clients about what their wives are doing wrong in relationships. Maybe I will write a blog post about it sometime if you are interested!

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Women who work full-time need partners willing to step up and help with the kids and the housework. I believe that men also benefit from sharing household responsibilities fairly, as they are likelier to have better relationships with their wives. In addition, women, not being tortured by their duties, initiate sex more often and are more active in bed. However, while this model represents progress toward gender equality, it may not be ideal for every couple. 

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Speaking of partners, I want also to talk about splitting family expenses evenly while covering personal expenses with individual funds. (aka going Dutch). Some think it is a good idea for both partners, as it helps avoid potential conflicts and promotes shared responsibility. They could be correct, but I would like to remind you that the gender pay gap still exists, and women also tend to spend more money on things like hairdressing, beauty services, cosmetics, and clothing. In addition, compared to men, women tend to require beauty services more frequently. Therefore, women’s expenditures are usually higher than those of men. In my opinion, it is fairer when a man takes on more financial responsibility. 

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Overall, I believe that women should be able to express themselves in whatever way feels right to them. Whether that means pursuing a career, being a stay-at-home mom, or something else, she must be supported by a partner. And guys, please remember to take care of your women emotionally and physically! It is not all about the money or the chores. Women need love and your attention too. Pamper them with gifts, and take them out to eat or spend romantic time together outside the home. And you will get more love and attention in return. Your women will always meet you at home with a smile and a good mood.

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I have written too much for one blog post. I remember I promised to write shorter blog posts but failed to keep my promise this time. Thanks for reading, and happy International Women’s Day! Do not leave your ladies empty-handed – grab some flowers and gifts for them!

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Categories: Special Days

1 Comment

Gayle Alamin · July 28, 2023 at 12:28 am

Your expertise is evident in this post; I’m awe-inspired.

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